ODS Contest Winners
Meet the ODS Teachers of the Year 2014!!!
1st Winner
Team for the 21st century
The aims of this project was to overcome the gap between school and life beyond school walls. We wanted that our students experience some real life situations such as a job application, and develop and test the necessary life and career skills. In order to prepare students for what they can expect after high school, that is, for most of them, finding a job, we choose the topic of career guidance. In order to reduce the reproduction of what has student learned and to encourage students involvement, we ventured into a project that has involved a variety of activities on the Internet, within Second Life, Moodle and web conferencing. The most important reason for the selection of the methods we used (game based learning , immersed learning) was to encourage student to take responsibility for their own work, presenting themselves and their achievements, innovative thinking and the development of media products that will benefit others.
Author: Name: Katarina Veljkovic Organization: Polytehnical school, KragujevacName: Jugoslava Lulic Organization: Technical school „9. maj“, Bačka PalankaName: Snežana Savić Organization: Polytehnical school, Kragujevac
Who is Katarina Veljkovic? Katarina Veljković is a computer sciences and math teacher in Polytehnical school in Kragujevac. Her main goal as a teacher is to inspire and motivate her students for lifelong learning, and to encourage them for creativity and critical thinking, by using technology which has an important role in their lives. As a teacher of programming and math, she used different learning scenario in order to develop among them the skills they will need for a successful life and work in the 21st century
2nd Winner
Logarithms are not difficult
The logarithm is perhaps the single, most useful arithmetic concept in all the sciences; and an understanding of them is essential to an understanding of many scientific ideas. Logarithms may be defined and introduced in several different ways. This is one of the way to learn them easier. This sceanrio will show how students can learn them…
Author: Name: Slađana Trajković Organization: Tehnička škola ,,15.maj” Prokuplje Role: nastavnik matematike
Who is Slađana Trajković? Sladjana Trajković is a Math teacher, employed by the Technical School, May 15 “in Prokuplje (Serbia). She has been teaching for eight years; by attending numerous courses on the application of ICT in teaching has helped her to improve many skills. She gladly passes her knowledge on to her students. Since December 2013, she has been taking part in local activities, the “Partners in Learning” Microsoft at Serbia. In her spare time she creates web graphics.
3rd Winners
a. Hunting neutrinos
A new era in Astronomy and Cosmology raises. Neutrinos are gathering information from the cores of the stars, while travelling through the universe from the very beginning of the cosmos. Reaching Earth a shower of particles spreads all over the planet and scientists are hunting the “unsocial” neutrinos. Catching just one neutrino, important knowledge can be gained from the depths of stars and the initiatives of the universe. Ice cube in Antarctica is hunting neutrinos in the total “silence” of North Pole. Cherenkov radiation by neutrinos moving faster than the light in a medium can reveal secrets of our past. How this happens? How neutrinos are detected? Students are studying the physics of neutrinos, solving geometrical problems concerning Cherenkov’s cone and having a Hangout with researchers at the Ice Cube.
Author: Name: Chiotelis Ioannis Organization: Model Experimental High School of University of Patras, Model Experimental Junior High School of Patras Role: Teacher
Who is Ioannis Chiotelis? Dr Ioannis Chiotelis is a Physicist. He is currently a teacher at the Greek Secondary Education System, serving the Model Experimental Schools of Patras. He has more than twenty participations in several Conferences and a remarkable number or papers. He also has a significant number of honors and awards concerning a vast variety of aspects. He is especially interested in educational scenarios involving ICT and high scientific matters.
b. Flipped polygon
The aim of this work is to train students to work independently (flipped classroom), peer learning and motivation for critical thinking.
Author: Name: Danilo Borovnica Organization: Primary school Sveti Sava Kikinda Role: Teacher of mathematics
Who is Danilo Borovnica? Danilo Borovnica teaches mathematics in elementary school “Sveti Sava” Kikinda for the last six years. Before, he worked over 20 years in the IT sector at different positions and as a teacher of math and informatics at high school. He applies his prior knowledge and experience in the present work with both students and colleagues.