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Modern methods of introducing basic Physics concepts: The coordinates and the GPS

Bucharest, Romania

The purpose of this lesson plan is to point out an interactive method to introduce basic physics concepts to youngest students. I will emphasize the way one can use modern methods such as GPS localization, educational software and geographic maps, in order to lure students into developing experimental skills. I will focus upon the advantages of this kind of approach. Studying physics in such an interdisciplinary and interactive way could be at the same time funny but nonetheless rigorous!

Developping production skills

Calais, France

Through the theme of Roman Britain, scenario meant to help pupils develop their production skills through the use of podcasting, social networks, literature, videoconferencing and video extracts

Приказивање разломака на бројевној полуправој

Kikinda, Serbia

Упознавање ученика са начином приказивања разломака на бројевној полуправој ослањајући се на раније стечена знања приказивања природних бројева.

Logarithms are not difficult

Prokuplje, Serbia

The logarithm is perhaps the single, most useful arithmetic concept in all the sciences; and an understanding of them is essential to an understanding of many scientific ideas. Logarithms may be defined and introduced in several different ways. This is one of the way to learn them easier.
This sceanrio will show how students can learn them…

Ταξιδεύοντας στην εποχή του Ερωτόκριτου

Chania, Greece

Μέσω του συγκεκριμένου σεναρίου επιδιώκεται οι μαθητές με τρόπο ευχάριστο και δημιουργικό να πραγματοποιήσουν το δικό τους ταξίδι στο παραμύθι του Ερωτόκριτου.
Το παρόν σενάριο τροφοδοτείται δευτορογενώς από ειδικευμένη πρακτική εξ αποστάσεως μουσικής διδασκαλίας της κοινότητας “Ας Μοιραστούμε τη Μουσική/ Ας Ενώσουμε τον Κόσμο” η οποία υπό μορφή σεναρίου βρίσκεται στην ακόλουθη σελίδα:

Trans-Siberian railway journey

Bjelovar, Croatia

In the introductory part of the students watch a short video on the Trans-Siberian Railway for motivation on the link
In the video there are brief instructions on what students need to pay attention.
Students are divided in groups of 4 to 6 students.
Their task is to imagine traveling the Trans-Siberian railway from Moscow to Vladivostok, and play a role play. For the design of dialogue used links on the Internet and textbook,
In their dialogues should describe the following:
-basic geographic information about the Russian Federation (area, population, government structure)
-past and present of the Trans-Siberian Railway
-the culture and history of the Russian Federation
-natural – geographic characteristics of the Russian Federation (relief, climate, plant communities, rivers and lakes)
-to the social – economic characteristics (population, economy)
-interesting and famous people of the Russian Federation

Mehanički diferencijal (eng. Mechanical differential)

Kula, Serbia

sr: Упознавање са механичким диференцијалом, његовом улогом и начином рада

hr: Upoznavanje sa mehaničkim diferencijalom, njegovom ulogom i načinom rada

en: Introduction to differential (mechanical device), how it works and why we need it

Obim kruga

Kikinda, Serbia

Učenici kroz primere sami dolaze do zaključka o konstantnosti odnosa obima i prečnika kruga. Shvataju prirodu broja Pi, kao i formulu za izračunavanje obima kruga i primenjuju istu u rešavanju zadataka.

Using iPads for Astronomy

Preston, United Kingdom

At my school, we have introduced a 1 to1 iPad scheme, so my idea is to provide iBooks and links to apps and films for the GCSE Astronomy Syllabus so students can work independently through the work at their own pace, with other students, teachers or parents. Astronomy is usually studied as an extra-curriculuar subject in the UK. As the resources grow, students themselves will become responsible for writing and sharing iBooks with other students. I would like to see students sharing in other languages and making links. PDF example, needs to be shared as an iBook to see the interactivity

Pravougli koordinatni sistem

Kikinda, Serbia

Učenici kroz zajednički rad i igru proveravaju svoje znanje vezano za pravougli koordinatni sistem.