View the submitted eligible Learning Scenarios

Through this page you can view all the submitted eligible Learning Scenarios.

Systems of Linear Equations

Pancevo, Serbia

Learning and practicing various methods of solving systems of linear equations at different lectures in different contexts.

“Leap to knowledge “ Digital Video Analysis to Truly Learn Physics

Águeda, Portugal

The digital video analysis is a technique that allows you to connect the physical phenomena present in a video, to the study of the physical and mathematical concepts applied in the process. It is a low cost technique, since it requires no more than a computer and video recordings, so it is capable of being operated by the student himself. In the case will I work here I will try to illustrate the applicability of this method to the Physics / Astronomy. This technique can become even more powerful as a teaching tool, the processing of data independently do a worksheet and if you later associate mathematical modeling.

Meadow plants and animals

Šabac, Serbia

Getting to know the wildlife meadows through e-learning.

Triangle area

Sofia, Bulgaria

Triangle area using trigonometry and using Heron’s formula. Lesson with power point present:”Triangle area”

More than game – engeneering education of digital natives

Vršac, Serbia

To teach the students of the secondary school in the field of electrical engineering to comprehend scientific theories through active studying and to apply the acquired knowledge by making prototype-devices through the project-oriented teaching enriched with ICT, and also to promote themselves and their work.
By means of this project we want to induce our students to, instead of asking the teachers the question “What is the purpose of it?”, ask THEMSELVES the question “How to make this and how to use it?”. We want to enable the digital natives of the present day, who cope well with new technologies and virtual tools, but who use real tools very little, to be the creators of new technologies and good workers in the field of economy, and not only their consumers.

Trigonometric functions

Pancevo, Serbia

Learning and practice of trigonometric functions and their application in different classes in different contexts.

Project ”Laza Kostic”

Kragujevac, Serbia

Our aim was to analyze one of the most beautiful poems Santa Maria della Salute on new way. Students was able to find out some new facts about
Laza Kostic’s biography and poetics, also they have been able to analyze poem, all because of the application of project learning.We have been
use project learning, and also advantages of ICT : wikispaces, mail, chat, Power Point, internet, hot potatoes. Students in this way of learning have
been able to be creative and critical. They can collaborate whit themselves and to evaluate their work.

Tabelarni proračuni/Spreadsheet

Belgrade, Serbia

Sistematizacija gradiva,
Primena programskih simulacija u nastavi hemije, beleženje rezultata u programu za tabelarne proračune i na osnovu kreiranih grafikona, izvođenje zaključka.
Systematization of the material,
The use of simulation software in teaching chemistry, recording the results in the spreadsheet and based on the created graphs, inferring.

Flipped polygon

Kikinda, Serbia

The aim of this work is to train students to work independently (flipped classroom), peer learning and motivation for critical thinking.


Kovin, Serbia

Thanks to a very extensive processing of information content in the first half, not only in the 8th grade, but in all four years of studying this
subject, the concepts of data and information discussed are just revision lessons. It’s good to have spontaneous conversation and to give students
some real life examples.
Blagodareći veoma opsežnoj obradi informatičkih sadržaja u prvom polugodištu, ne samo u 8. razredu, već u sve četiri godine izučavanja ovog
predmeta, o pojmovima podatka i informacije razgovaralo se i treba se samo podsetiti. Dobro je da to bude spontano, kroz razgovor i da učenici
daju neke primere iz života, učionice, razreda.