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Korišćenje metoda za crtanje elipse, kruga

Kragujevac, Serbia

Učenici stiču osnovna znanja o grafici i funkcijama za iscrtavanje kruga i elipse. Kroz primere stiču osnovna znanja o klasama Pen i SolidBrash

Online διαδραστική εφαρμογή flash αυτοκατευθυνόμενης μάθησης και ιστοεξερεύνησης “Μαθαίνοντας για την αντιγραφή του DNA και την μεταγραφή του σε mRNA”

Markopoulo, Greece

Online δραστηριότητες
αυτοκατευθυνόμενης μάθησης
και ιστοεξερεύνησης,

σχετικά με τη δομή και σύνθεση των DNA, RNA,
την αντιγραφή του DNA
και τη μεταγραφή του σε mRNA …

Η εφαρμογή (σε flash) δίνει τη δυνατότητα για αρκετές επεκτάσεις …
(Ο μαθητής σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις είναι απαραίτητο να γνωρίζει Αγγλικά)

(Βιολογία Γ Γυμνασίου,
Κεφάλαιο 5ο: Διατήρηση και συνέχεια της ζωής,
Η ροή της γενετικής πληροφορίας)

A theorem in triangles: Median drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle

Nicosia, Cyprus

In this scenario the pupils are called to understand the theorem through: a) its proof, (thus proving the theorem is one of the main goal states of the lesson), b) the effective usage of the geogebra applets (which are especially designed by the teacher for this purpose) and c) through guided discovery and exploration of real life problems.
Typical starting point of the exploratory learning approach is to engage students while introducing the problem by asking a challenging question or by presenting to them a problematic situation that touches upon their experiences and interests.
During this lesson, the students are expected to collaborate in order to a) prove the theorem, b) apply the theorem in order to solve mathematical problems and c) create their own mathematical problems (using their real-life experience and the newly-acquired knowledge) that can be solved with this theorem.
In this scenario, it is assumed that students are familiarised with the use of computers in general and the use of the Geogebra software (dynamic geometry tool), in particular. Thus, a typical entry behaviour is that students know how to handle the functionalities of the software.

CARBON FOOTPRINT : participate- calculate- compare-connect

Tychero, Evros, Greece

The main idea of this learning scenario is students to be engaged in learning activities that are related to real-world problems, like carbon footprint and climate change (Project Based Learning Method).
The scenario consists of the following activities:
a) Students calculate their own carbon footprint
b) Students collect and process data, compare their carbon footprint worldwide
c) Students find and document ways to reduce carbon footprint
d) Students participate in conversations with students across the globe
e) Students build a theory
f) Students explore the active citizens profile.

The expected products are:
– The final research report
– The artifact (handmade and digital)

Does Money = Happiness ?

Lazarevac, Serbia

This is an international project between my students of the 4th grade (High School Lazarevac) and students from USA. They will investigate the relationship between wealth (per capita income) and other social indicators. There are 3 components to each phase: 1) collect data, 2) organize data, 3) draw conclusions. The two phases are A) Per Capita Income collection and B) “Happiness” Indicators. The students will be divide into groups of 4 (2 students from each school). Then groups should organize a display for the combined data. They use educational website Edmodo for cooperation. Each group has to make a final report and students will discuss about it via Skype on online class.

Express yourself digital

Bačka Palanka, Serbia

Creating a school newspaper by using Blog

Team for the 21st century

Kragujevac, Serbia

The aims of this project was to overcome the gap between school and life beyond school walls. We wanted that our students experience some real life situations such as a job application, and develop and test the necessary life and career skills. In order to prepare students for what they can expect after high school, that is, for most of them, finding a job, we choose the topic of career guidance. In order to reduce the reproduction of what has student learned and to encourage students involvement, we ventured into a project that has involved a variety of activities on the Internet, within Second Life, Moodle and web conferencing. The most important reason for the selection of the methods we used (game based learning , immersed learning) was to encourage student to take responsibility for their own work, presenting themselves and their achievements, innovative thinking and the development of media products that will benefit others.

‘Sense Europe’: A new perspective of experiencing Europe through the Multiple Intelligence theory structured on a moodle platform

Athens, Greece

‘Sense Europe’ is a project designed for primary school pupils that are taught English as a foreign language. Its ambition is to bring Europe closer to the students to ‘sense’ it through different ‘prisms’. It aims at fostering multilingualism enriching the students’ intercultural experiences according to the European Language Portfolio (ELP) and the principles of the Council of Europe. It is structured on a moodle platform divided into nine Modules according to the Multiple Intelligence theory of Howard Gardner, who argues that intelligence is not a single entity but consists of separate and independent units.
The objective of each Module is to deepen down into each intelligence (Musical, Spatial, Linguistic, Logical, Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Existential). Through this variety of cognitive processes, each student can discover one’s special talents and inclinations and to choose a personal learning ‘path’. Thus, a holistic development of an integrated human is achieved and creativity and critical thinking are cultivated.

(To login moodle platform: