Meet the ODS Contest Winners

Meet the ODS Teachers of the Year 2014!!!

ODS Contest Winners

1st Winner : Katarina Veljkovic, Teacher in Polytehnical school, Kragujevac, Jugoslava Lulic, Technical school „9. maj“, Bačka Palanka and Snezana Savic, Polytechnical school, Kragujevac


What was your motivation to participate in ODS Contest? 

Katarina Veljkovic: My motivation to participate in ODS Contest is related to make connection with teachers from other countries, exchanging ideas and learning from others. I’m also interested in new trends in teaching with the use of new technologies and tools. Through this ODS contest, I can share my experiences and improve and expand my knowledge related to teaching activities and work with sensitive groups (students who have problems in learning). Also, I can follow people with similar interests, be up to date with educational trends, to share useful resources with my colleagues, and to promote innovative examples from my own teaching practice.

Does ODS portal supports your work in the classroom and in which ways?

Katarina Veljkovic: Using ODS portal and the resources on it, I can change the atmosphere in the classroom. With it, I manage to inspire my students to actively participate in teaching, and support them to become major initiators of changes to the curriculum. By using ODS portal, I create new space for learning and teaching, where teachers and students together take parts in the learning process by changing their knowledge and skills. Also, I was able to accomplish that students in the learning process rise above the reproduction and start to investigate and create and solve different problems (creating applications for testing) that are completely new for them.


2nd Winner: Slađana Trajković, Nastavnik matematikeTehnička škola ,,15.maj” Prokuplje

Sladjana Trajkovic 1

What was your motivation to participate in ODS Contest? 

Slađana Trajković: Participation in Open Discovery Space International Summer Academy in Athens in July this year, would help me to upgrade my knowledge, present some of their ideas, meet new colleagues with different ideas and knowledge and share experiences with teachers in my school.   My motto and message to teachers and students is: innovation in teaching = change!

Does ODS portal supports your work in the classroom and in which ways?

Slađana Trajković: The development of information technology offers great possibilities for improving teaching. Although the introduction of computers in education is sometimes a very difficult process, we deeply believe that the educational process in the school should follow the continuing development of technology. The process of introducing ICT in the teaching plan is planned to be established in a few steps:

  • Adapting existing or create their own pedagogical scenarios using ICT facilities
  • Present students with opportunities and benefits of distance learning using the Moodle platform
  • Monitoring and evaluation of students’ activities
  • Collaboration with other schools and sharing teaching materials and experiences

The task of the teacher is to help students find the right balance in the use of modern technology. I hope that I can help them!


3rd Winner a. Chiotelis Ioannis, Teacher @ Model Experimental High School of University of Patras


What was your motivation to participate in ODS Contest? 

Actually, educational scenarios are an important part of my job. I’m always trying to construct educational scenarios in order to enforce my lesson and provoke students’ curiosity. Furthermore, I fell the constant need to update my knowledge about new educational materials and prospective. This is why I look for conferences and meetings where the heart of modern education bits hard.

Does ODS portal supports your work in the classroom and in which ways?

I constantly look for new educational material and means. ODS offers the best-known platform that can provide to me a holistic approach of educational scenarios. A complete overview of a specific subject can be found easily in ODS, while new ideas come out constantly. The interactive tools also provide a unique environment of learning by searching. ODS can definitely support the lesson of tomorrow.

3rd Winner b.  Danilo Borovnica, Teacher of mathematics at Primary school Sveti Sava Kikinda


What was your motivation to participate in ODS Contest? 

At ODS community got involved through Eratosthenes experiment and that was outstanding experience both for me and my students. Motivation to participate in ODS Contest was that participation at one event such as ODS Summer Academy ODS is great privilege, possibility to share experiences with colleagues from different countries, hear from the best in this area, check my knowledge and position in contemporary education.

Does ODS portal supports your work in the classroom and in which ways?

ODS portal supports my work in the classroom so as to compare techniques other colleagues applying during learning, interesting examples  bring right into practice in the classroom. Working at learning scenarios gives me better insight in preparation for classes so I can do better next time. I look forward to interesting projects such as Eratosthenes experiment.